Wednesday, November 08, 2006

November 8th - I Cried and Cried

My kids are hilarious. Truly.

Ethan has taken to letting me know that when I have left him somewhere, "I cried and cried, Mom. I cried and cried." Now, by all reports, he doesn't cry long (if at all), but of course this elicits a little sympathy from Mom.

Abby has jumped on the bandwagon. When I go to tuck her into bed because for some reason Daddy isn't good enough tonight, she also reports, "I cried and cried." My poor baby.

Today, Ethan found a new use for his new statement. When Mark and I dropped the kids off at preschool with their Gammers for Grandparents Day, Ethan told Mark that he wanted Mommy to stay. "No, Buddy, you're going to stay with Gammers and we'll pick you up later."

Ethan thought about it for a minute, and decided to warn Mark.

"I'll cry and cry, Dad. I'll cry and cry."

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