November 17th - Things That Make Me Smile

- I call Abby "Abs" which Mark absolutely hates. Of course, Ethan has started doing it too. Sorry, Marky!
- The way that Ethan tells me he has to "shake it off, like Dad" when he uses the toilet.
- When I go upstairs for 1.5 minutes to gather laundry and come down to find Abby in a completely different outfit.
- The way Abby pronounces Sawyer "sore-er."
- Ethan couldn't find his special Baby one day, and started to cry. "Sorry, Eth, but we'll have to look for Baby after your nap." He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "But I love her, Mom!"
- Abby actually thinks her name is "Abby Girl" instead of Abigail. I can't bear to correct her.
- The way Ethan still thinks his flatulence is hilarious and has to announce "gas!" accompanied by giggles.
- When someone leaves our house, Ethan yells through the window as loudly as he can, "Bye, Boo Boo La La!" He came up with it on his own one day, and it always sends him into hysterics.
- We play a game of "Who Likes to eat..." On her turn, Abby always asks, "Who likes... worms?" "Yuck! Ew!" Then she gets a sly look. "Who likes candy worms?" She's got us there!
1 comment:
Ethan is going to kill you for taking that picture someday.
Thanks for the laughs!
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