Friday, November 10, 2006

November 10th - Silence, Please

As you are well aware, Abby is an independent introvert. She plays quietly by herself a lot.

Her brother is, well, not.

Ethan talks. non. stop. most. of. the. day. He chatters and chatters about everything. He enjoys speaking. Usually, I enjoy listening to him.

Today, however, my head hurts. My ear infection has not gone away (althought it is somewhat better), and I'm tired and cranky. I just want a little peace and quiet. Ethan has another idea.

"What's for lunch, Mom?"

"Macaroni and cheese."

"What's for lunch, Mom?"

"Macaroni and cheese."

"What's for lunch, Mom?"

"Macaroni and cheese."

"What's for lunch, Mom?"

"Ethan - I've already told you - MACARONI AND CHEESE."

"What's for lunch, Mom?"

"You already know we are having macaroni and cheese. Do not ask me again, or you will need to sit in the toyroom by yourself for a minute. My head hurts, and it bothers me when you keep asking what is for lunch."

[Approximately 60 seconds of silence goes by, time relished by yours truly]

"What's for lunch, Mom?"


Jennifer said...

Have you ever toyed with the idea of messing with their minds? Wouldn't it have been fun to give him a different answer everytime he asks (why else ask more than one time?) and then serve something you never once mentioned? It might be the big sister in me, but I daydream of ways to retalliate. :) I am still very much looking forward to the day I can run around the home butt naked when Allison needs to put on another Depends. I am also planning all the ways that I can whine to Emma about leaving me at the home and when she's coming back. I would also like to buy the Beverly Hillbillies so that I can learn a thing or two more from Granny. Hee! Hee!

Anonymous said...

My favorite:

"Where mommy go?"

"She went upstairs, bud."

"Where mommy go?"

"Ethan, you can see her walking up the stairs right there."

"Where mommy go?"

"You just saw her go up the stairs!"


"Yes, bud?"

"Where mommy go?"

"She took the elephant to the store."

(A short lapse for him to process this new information)

"Dad... where mommy go?"

I guess he didn't buy it.

the quists said...

Wow, I thought just Lana did that! She usually does this when we are in the car and have no way of escaping! I can be a very patient person, but man, this really gets under my skin sometimes!

Becky K said...

Been there!!

Anonymous said...

Yup, that's one of Matthew's favorites as well...especially the "Where Mommy go?"