Friday, September 08, 2006


$1,183.26. That's how much Ethan's emergency room visits for croup are costing us. Out of pocket.

I've wrestled with the insurance company ("emergency room visits are all applied toward your deductible, maam"). I've called the hospital to try and reduce the unnecessary ambulance charge (a whopping $500), but haven't gotten anywhere. So, I've paid the bills.

The killer is that our insurance plan has a $1,000 deductible per person. The bills that were applied toward that deductible total - - - [drum roll please] - - - $947.26.

Maybe I'll "schedule" another visit to the emergency room before the end of the year so our insurance company can share our joy. It would be soooo worth $52.74.*

*OK - I'm not really vindictive enough to do that, but sometimes I wish I was!


Anonymous said...

Since Leif's kidney stone alone completed our deductible, we scheduled Kelsey to get her tonsils removed, Bree to get her wisdom teeth pulled, Kelsey's dermatology and mole removal, and Erik's determatology all before the end of the year. What a deal we will be getting, all because we paid through the nose for two CT scans!

Jennifer said...

So basically what you're trying to say is that now is not the time to hit you up for a loan... ;)

I am so thankful that I have really good insurance. Allison's ER visit for seizures cost us less than $300. You paid more for Ethan's ER visit than we did for Emma's pnuemonia - out of state.

I pray that your family stays healthy! You need a break!

Trish said...

I understand your pain (or maybe my parents do.. since I was still under their financial umbrella at the time.) I had to go to the hospital, and it was "out of network" a few times with all my tonsil problems!

Gwen said...

Insurance companies drive me crazy!!! I guess I should just stop there!! LOL!!!

Trista said...

Trish - it's ridicululous the in-network vs. out-of-network issue. I asked, "how am I supposed to know if my ER x-ray technician is in the network or not??" She said, "you won't. It's just the risk you take by using the ER."
