Friday, September 08, 2006

Abby's Movin' Up (getting taller, that is)

Yesterday, Abby had her 3 year checkup. She was very cooperative for Dr. L., spending the first five minutes telling him all about, well, everything. She has become very social in the last month or so, which is so fun to witness. She recounted how Ethan was playing at the park (really, he was at church as part of the babysitting co-op). She told him that she was a princess and she liked Buzz Lightyear and that I was Mommy (and then she corrected herself and said I was her Mommy). She discussed lions and jumping and scary monsters and candy. When she finally slowed down, Dr. L. examined her. She is in great health, developing normally, she has all the proper physical skills and her speech is right on track (a subject I've been a little worried about). A good review.

Then we talked about her growth. I knew from these pictures that Abby has been growing like a weed. But when I discovered that she's grown 4-3/4 inches and 4 pounds in the last year, I nearly fell off the chair. Almost 5 inches taller! I looked up normal growth rates between 2 and 3, and 2-1/2 inches is average. Wow - our girl has had another spurt!

Don't start scouting out basketball teams just yet. Despite the huge upward movement, Abby is still on the "petite" side. Her measurements fall in the 30th percentile for height and the 10th percentile for weight, no surprise since she has always been thin.

When I said Abby grows in spurts, I wasn't joking!


Jennifer said...

Way to go, Abby!

I'm scared about Ally's 2 year appointment. They say that you double their height at 2 years and that's how tall they'll end up being. She was already 35 inches at her 18 appointment. I could have a 6 footer on my hands.

Jenny said...

I feel your pain. I was looking in the closet this morning for a pair of jeans, for Aidan to wear. As I looked, I thought, there is no way these are going to fit him....they are way to long. Of course, when he put them on, they fit perfect. Those are the moments that make me the saddest!!!