At our house, we are finally at the stage of finishing our basement where I can paint - yeehaw! And so, in preparation for painting, I have been doing a few touchups on the walls with mud ("spackle" for you non-home-improvement types).
My father-in-law gave me a couple of great tips which have worked out really well! First, apply the mud to places that don't need very much with a paintbrush instead of a scraper. It adds a much smaller amount that doesn't require much sanding. And second, instead of using store-bought sandpaper for the really fine detail sanding, use a paper grocery bag instead. It's a much finer grit than what you could buy, and it's free. So next time you're grocery shopping, you have another reason to ask for paper instead of plastic!
Go visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer for a whole list of WFMW ideas!
We are working on our ceiling so this tip will really come in handy. Thank you!
Can't wait to see the finished project:)
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