Friday, May 12, 2006

I'm ba-ack!

I am coming to you live from a computer desk where I am typing frantically with two hands - yes, you read that correctly, two hands. I am cast-free! After 5-1/2 weeks, my disgustingly smelly, dirty, itchy cast is off. Man, does it feel good!

So, in honor of cast-wearers everywhere, here are the
Top ten things that SUCK about wearing a cast
10. The constant questions from strangers asking, "how did that happen?" or "does it hurt?" or my personal favorite, "that must be really hard to have with kids!" Um, duh.
9. Not being able to lift anything. Waiting for my honey to come home to move a laundry basket, or get the vacuum out, or pick up heavy toys. On second thought, this one's not so bad. ;)
8. Sleeping with a giant club at the end of your arm. Try to find a comfortable position with that! And poor Mark had to sleep with one eye open in anticipation of my deadly limb swinging at his head.
7. The itching; oh, the itching!
6. Wearing Mark's shirts because the armholes of women's clothes are too small to accomodate a big fat wrist. Apparently, most women are not shaped like The Incredible Hulk.
5. Getting your groove on can be quite challenging with a broken arm. Try that activity with one hand tied behind your back and you will know what I mean. Or maybe you kinkier-ones already do. ;)
4. Having to give the kids hugs instead of picking them up when they want attention. My poor little knee-biters! Fortunately, they didn't treat me any differently for these 5 weeks. They would still body slam me, or jump directly onto my cast. I'm sure they just wanted to help me overcome my disability... such sensitive kids ;)
3. With one arm, you cannot possibly push a double-stroller or shopping cart. Which meant waiting for Mark to get home to go for a walk, and making trips to the grocery store with my mom every other week so she could push the cart for me. The kids had their best day ever when Gammers let them eat super-messy cheese puffs as I ran up and down the aisles throwing healthy groceries into the cart.
2. A general feeling of uselessness that comes with not being able to do any of the things you normally do to keep the house running. I have been given the Indian name "Slug Lazing." I wanted to have it embroidered on a pillow, but, oh yeah, I couldn't use my arm.
1. Taking baths instead of showers. Who wants to rinse their hair in their own filth? Ew.

You'll be hearing a lot more from me now that I can type again. Yippee!!!!


Jennifer said...

Welcome back! I called last night to see how it went and you were already out and about. Yeah!

See you soon!

Barb said...

welcome back to dual arms!