Thursday, February 02, 2006

Awesome Tool for Blog Readers

Mark turned me on to a great FREE website that can track the blogs you read and let you know when a new post has been added.

Simply go to and set up an account. It takes awhile to add your blogs, but when you're done you have a list with links to the blogs. And the list shows you how many blogs have new posts since the last time you checked. You don't have to check a blog site every day to see if there is anything new - the website manages all of that for you. Awesome!

By the way: I am now up to 31 blogs I read regularly - can anyone say obsession?


Anonymous said...

31 Blogs!! My I know why it took you awhile to set up your account on bloglines.

Jennifer said...

I want it noted for the record that you, Trista, have ADMITTED publically that you are - IN FACT - OBSESSED! As previously proven, Mark and I are not.

Mark said...

Thank you for pointing that out, Jennifer. You are wise beyond your years (and totally NOT obsessed)!

Anonymous said...

Well, you answered my question--who reads blogs? They're supposedly all the rage now, but without my ultra-hip and intelligent friends I would get absolutely no traffic. Just spiders, bots and assorted crawlers. Guess I'd need to post more often and write edgy, insightful commentary or provide info that can't be obtained elsewhere before the general public would care on a large scale.

The blogosphere needs more obsessed people to support all the little blogs out there!