(it's made out of diaper boxes) - but there have been so many days of frigid weather that it has been worn thin by all of the activity. I have been *this* close to calling up Gymboree Play and Music and signing up for a session of ridiculously over-priced toddler-mommy exercise. But today, the weather was so mild, that right after naps we got OUT. Walked down 4 houses to our local playground. Rode the swings, poked at the wet sand in the sandbox with sticks, tromped through the last of the snowdrifts, breathed in the fresh air. It's amazing how a little thing like that can improve your mood. And how fresh air can renew the spirit.

I am so glad you got to get out for a while! It really makes you feel good huh? I hope that the weather continues to get better for you so you can enjoy the great outdoors more! We really miss you and love you lots!
I love the pictures! You guys looked like you had a great day! It's going to be in the 70s here this weekend. I can't wait to get out and play myself!
We love you guys!
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