The experience does beg a question. What's more annoying in this world than buying a car from a car dealership? The first dealership experience we ever had was awesome - we bought a Saturn. There was no dickering, per their policy. They were helpful, friendly, and even threw us a party when we took our car home. If the Saturn minivan got better reviews, we would be there in an instant. We were seriously spoiled by a "different kind of car company."
Every other dealership operates in approximately the same annoying way. The salesperson assigned to you gives the appearance of having absolutely no power. Every decision needs to be approved by their manager, in some secret little room far far away. Every time they leave to "run something by their manager" they are gone for 20 minutes. When you ask for a reduction in price, they come back with what you didn't ask for... an ambiguous monthly payment amount instead of the total price, or a list of prices for a different model that you aren't even interested in. Their "absolute bottom line" is never as far as they're willing to go --- they can always "do you a favor" and give up some commission (a bargaining ploy, I'm sure). The whole experience of the dealership is like sitting in the dentist chair for me.
Once you agree to buy, the finance person spends 30 minutes trying to sell you every kind of ridiculous insurance under the sun. Like life insurance, in case of Mark's death, so that I can keep his vehicle. But, if Mark is dead, I won't need his car. Wouldn't I just sell it?? At a dealership a few years ago, the finance guy was feeding us a line about how some stupid insurance would only cost 35 cents a day, and I piped up with, "and for the price of a cup of coffee, I could feed starving children in Africa." At least Mark laughed.
Despite the agony of the experience, we did make it through and should be back to two automobiles today. Which is good, because we are tired of getting kicked in the back by two active toddlers stuck in a sardine tin called a Saturn SL1.
congrats on your new vehicle. but i love my 2002 Saturn SL1. the berry-mobile.
Hee hee, I'm kind of partial to Saturns...Pajama Papa sells them!
Happy to hear you're back in a mini-v! We had a great experience at our Dodge dealership when we bought our Grand Caravan, so good non-Saturn ones do exist. When I had my Saturn I also liked the experience, but I think this Dodge dealership has a better service dept. I'm considering a Vue for my next vehicle in a couple of years, though I'm a little hesitant due to the mechanical problems I had with my last Saturn (LW2). Any kind of car can have problems, but this made me realize that even though their "experience" is refreshing, their products are equal to the mid-range offerings of other U.S. companies.
Congratulations! If I hadn't heard about your accident, I would never be able to guess it. ;) I know that it will be nice when life gets back to normal (whatever that is).
Can't wait to read about your week after we get back from vacation!
Love you!
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