51. I come up with really good, probing and interesting questions when I'm in small groups.
52.When I dream about conflict, I am always the hero.
53. When Ethan was about 6 months old, he started having separation anxiety and was very upset if I left him. He was also a poor sleeper. So Mark became the only one of us to comfort him in the night because he would never let me leave the room and go back to sleep. Now, most of the time, I don't even wake up if he cries. It makes me feel a bit guilty.
54. I applied for Survivor: Africa. In one day, Mark created an awesome 3 minute video (very professional), I applied for a passport, I completed the lengthy application and I sent it all off to CBS. I never got a call.
55. I would have tried out for American Idol, but I was always too old. I'm under no impression that I would have come close to winning. It would have been for fun.
56. I sometimes fantasize about what my try-out song would have been.
57. I've been in love with three men. The first broke my heart. I broke the heart of the second. And I married the third.
58. I don't fold my underwear. It's wadded up in a drawer. I figure, "why bother?"
59. I do fold Mark's underwear. Boxers get really wrinkly if they're wadded up.
60. I have tried matchmaking only once in my life, with two good friends of ours. It failed miserably. I vowed never to do
that again.
61. The best way to die would be in my sleep. And to be discovered by my husband, not my kids.
62. The worst way to die would be drowning.
63. When I was a kid, and other kids would dunk me in the pool, I would almost have panic attacks. It was the meanest thing anyone could do.
64. I am planning on planning my own funeral service.
65. Upon my death, I've always wanted to donate my body to a university for education. I even completed the research on how to do it so everyone who needed to know would be ready. Once I had kids, I realized that I wanted my body to be buried so my kids could have closure. I scrapped the idea of donation - at least until my kids are grown. I'm still not sure how I feel about being referred to as "the cadaver."
66. I try not to take myself too seriously. Sometimes I fail. But most of the time, I think I'm very funny. I crack myself up.
67. Even after 2-1/2 years, I love to pick out my kids' clothes in the morning. So far, even my strong-willed daughter doesn't have objection.
68. Most of my prayers are prayers of thanksgiving. They are very specific.
69. When I pray for help or guidance for myself, I try to be very general. ["God, please give me what I need." "Lord, help me to bow to Your will." "Jesus, I don't know how to get through this. Please help."]
70. When I pray for help or guidance for others, I usually imagine their faces in my mind and ask, "Please give them what they need."
71. I love to see the changing leaves in the autumn.
72. I don't like cola.
73. Last night, I told my scrapbooking group that my new phrase was going to be, "oh, pickles!"
74. I love my scrapbooking group. I look forward to it every week. I'm really glad it's held at my house.
75. I'm probably going to look like an idiot dancing for the variety show. I don't mind too much. I've had a lot of fun learning the routine and practicing with the 7 other moms.
76. I feel like an imbecile when people around me speak like a theology book. My brain often shuts down as a defense mechanism. I think faith should be simple enough for a child to understand, but rich enough for a fairly intelligent adult to explore and deepen.
77. My 3 big sisters all moved out of my childhood home in the same year. I missed them terribly. The house became very quiet. I was 10.
78. I don't want any of my kids to be separated from their siblings by 10 years. In my ideal world [haha], I would like our 3rd child to be born near Abby's 3rd birthday. Ethan will be 2-1/4 at the time.
79. People sometimes ask if having Abby and Ethan so close in age is like having twins. I wouldn't really know. I've never had twins.
80. I consider myself an adoption advocate of sorts. I am always trying to educate others about the process, about the use of non-offensive language, about the sadness and the joy. I am no expert on the subject, but the little bit I know I want to share.
81. I love to sleep.
82. Mark and I talk. A lot. Even after all these years, we still find new and interesting things to say to each other. I'm very proud of my behavior in my marriage.
83. I once had a college professor ask me out. He was 8 years old than I was. It made me feel weird. I definitely said no.
84. When Mark and I are in the process of making an important decision, we usually don't tell anyone else about it. When the decision has been made, we let everyone know the outcome. I guess we don't want to appear indecisive.
85. I really enjoy reading blogs and writing in this blog. It's fun.
86. I like to surround myself with people who have a good work ethic and a positive attitude.
87. I think sarcasm is funny.
88. I often ponder pointless things, like why is our pinky toenail so thick and short? What's it's purpose?
89. I often discuss these pointless things with Mark.
90. I am terrible at drawing.
91. My handwriting looks just like my sister Becky's. It didn't start that way - it just evolved. That is so weird. How does that happen? Note to self: this is something I need to discuss with Mark.
92. I like to say "note to self" in common conversation.
93. I sincerely mean it when I say, "I love you."
94. Despite all my complaining, Abby and Ethan mean the world to me. Just thinking about them can make me cry.
95. I cry a lot [in a good way]. I've inherited the "cry-gene" from my mom. My mother-in-law has it too. Just seeing either of them crying from across the room can make me cry.
96. I hate raw onions. My husband could eat a raw onion like an apple. But then he knows he won't get any kisses.
97. I'm a good photographer. I learned my techniques from my mom [thanks, mom!]
98. I put on my socks after I put on my pants.
99. I can't tell a joke to save my life. But my Dad is good for that, so I don't have to.
100. I trust Mark without reservation.