Yesterday, we had an ice storm, followed by a few inches of snow. Schools were closed, Mark worked from home, it was kinda fun.
After dinner, Mark went out to shovel the driveway, which meant that we all went out. The kids put on their snowpants, boots, hats, mittens, coats. As soon as Ethan got down the front steps, he plopped himself on his back and made a snow angel (which he has been wanting to do for a month now). Abby had a blast throwing loosely-packed snowballs at everyone. The kids got to help Daddy uing their "shovels" (which are really Chuck It tennis-ball launchers used for the dogs - but they also work really well at chucking snowballs at your unsuspecting husband from the neighbor's yard). Everyone had fun, even Dad who was stuck actually shoveling.
Ethan cried when it was time to come in after 45 minutes (when the sun had set and we were still outside throwing snowballs in the dark with our neighbors). The kids are going to LOVE playing outside this year.
How Fun! Aidan would be so jealous. He has been longing for snow and has resorted to getting excited if there is mere frost on the grass.
I am so jealous! I wish we could have been there to throw snowballs at Mark!
That makes me so happy! I love the pictures and the fun family time!!!
You look like you had a wonderful time. I miss those days outside playing in the snow. Enjoy every minute and know how jealous I am. Love to all Aunt Sue
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