Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Why there's P in "competition"!

Abby and Ethan are at such an *interesting* stage together... the "mine" stage. The time in life when they look for ways to hoard everything that they can, while simultaneously taking their sibling's precious items away. Ahhh... such peace and harmony [not]. Mark and I want to scream when we hear shouts of "mine!" or "my [insert any object here that you don't want your sibling to have]". Despite having two kids with the "minesies", this stage definitely CAN have it's advantages. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, right??

For instance, if you have two toddlers who want exactly what the other wants at all times, might they be prone to healthy competition? And might they take the competition for really exciting stuff like toys to a new level and compete over potty time?

Yes, it's true. Abby and Ethan are in a heated competition to see who can get the most stickers for successful potty behavior. The past few days has brought LOTS of stickers. We have two potty chairs set up in the downstairs bathroom, and each child has claimed one. When one of the kids wants to "go", the other has to take off their pants and go too. Wow - they are sure making this easy on us! And their potty chairs have a total of 35 stickers from the last few months (most of them from the last week).

We are now regimented to once an hour asking about the potty. And today, Abby got to wear training underwear for the first time - she was very proud of her panties. Cross your fingers that we're on our way to a diaper-less house (hopefully temporary until baby 3)!

See, there are some definite benefits to the kids being a mere nine months apart. :)

Abby decided that dolly needed to go peepee.
After potty success, Abby always shouts "yay!" and "high five!" Then comes the sticker, flushing the waste down the toilet, washing hands and putting clothes back on.

"Alright, Ethan. On your mark, get set, GO!" {heehee}

What a little lady in her panties!


Mark said...

The best part of the last picture is that Abby is standing on a pile of boxes... Diaper Boxes! Is that symbolic or what?

Should we start taking bets as to when they will both be diaper-free?

Unknown said...

Trista, first of all your site is really cute! I love all the kid stuff. What beautiful children. I am a Catholic Homeschool Mom with one 20 year old and three teenagers.
As I remember, potty "training" seemed to work better on my husband and I then it did the kids. After trying to "train" our oldest, using a star chart etc. He finally decided all on his own in one day! It was then that I learned the unpredictability of this issue. So for the next three it was never a "training". They just grew into and onto the pot. I will say that I think your daughter will be completely trained first. Both of our girls beat their brothers by a mile.
Have your site bookmarked, will visit often.