I have said before that I believe Abby is a spirited (previously called strong-willed) child. I have felt alone amongst my other mom friends who aren't parenting spirited children, and who simply can't relate to the struggles I have. I have been wondering if I am creating some of the difficulties I have with Abby, and if I can help make our relationship better. My number one goal as Abby's mom is to help her realize how special and wonderful she is, despite her behavior.
I am reading a book called "Raising Your Spirited Child" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. I am 80 pages in, and have already found it very insightful.
So far, this book has helped me to identify that my spunky oldest child falls into the category of "spirited." "Spirited" is a temperament, like "cautious" or "easy-going." Spirited is a positive term that encompasses a fairly consistent variety of traits, most of which Abby exhibits. Our temperament is widely believed to be inherent at birth, and is so much a fiber of who we are that changing temperament is like moving a mountain.
I will be blogging about my findings from this book and how they relate to parenting my beautiful Abigail. I'm excited to share with you what makes Abby tick! My hope is that those of us who are close to her can better understand why Abby behaves as she does, and can appreciate her spirited nature.
Trista, those same traits that may drive you a little crazy now will take Abby a long way in life. Hang in there!
Nate is sometimes hard to manage, he can drive Ron nuts! I've found that a set of no bending rules for his safety, with freedom to explore are helpful. Creative outlets can be very helpful. Nate loves hands-on take-it-apart stuff, that he can then build again.
What are the "Spirited" traits?
I have a spirited child as well! She is now 10 1/2 years old. I sure wish I had that book when she was little! I'll be anxious to hear your findings!
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