When they figure out they're missing, you may get this resonse...

Or this one...

They may try to find a substitute...

Or try to pry them from the dryer when they're still wet...

And a girl who loves her blankie.

PS... please read the post below and delurk if you haven't already!
Parenting Tip #236
Wash the Loveys at night after the kids have fallen asleep!
yeah, this is a big problem with Lana too! I tried to find another "pink bear" so I could alternate them, but I can't find one anywhere, so I got a blue one instead. At first this worked just fine, but now she wants to sleep with "blue bear" AND "pink bear" so it really didn't help much! David likes his quilt that his great gramma made for him, so I can't really find a double for that one either. :( Good luck!
My 12 year old had a crocheted blanket that my grandma made, we called it "stinky little blankie." I still have some of the shreds that are left. We did an intervention when she was 5. We left it home when we went on vacation for 2 weeks. When we got back I left it hidden, and she never asked about it again.
How great it is to see such good photojournalism!!!! I can see a scrapbook page for Our Grandkids book ---- if I can just wrestle a set of pics away from your house! Love, Mom
Those pictures are priceless!!!!!! My first reaction is to empathize with the kids, but then I bust out laughing - especially with the substitute blankey and the attempt to rob the dryer. Like your mom said - a great scrapbook page is in the making!
I have the same problem with Allison's blankey baby. It gets so grungy that pink looks grey. I am kind of embarressed about it because it goes everywhere with her - daycare, church nursery, etc... Hopefully no one looks too close. :) I have had my best luck with washing it when she's thrown it down for something else. I run fast to the washer and she hasn't once missed it that way. When she vomited on it and it had to be washed while she really needed its comfort - that was hard for the both of us.
Danny is Emma's lovey... You should see her when he gets washed... ;)
I think this was adorable Trista, Love Aunt Pam
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