Friday, 5:00 p.m. We've arrived at our campsite. As anticipated, we are the farthest site out. A fire pit and a picnic table are all that distinguish our lot from the surrounding forest. The parking lot is approximately 1/4 mile away, as Mark can attest to since he walked the trail approximately 37 times to bring our gear back. Thank goodness for Becky, and her endless supply of camping equipment that was loaned to us. It will make our first camping experience as a family much more enjoyable.
Friday, 6:00 p.m. 
Mark is putting up the tent now, and the kids have explored every inch of our surroundings. They especially like to play in the dirt with the beach toys we brought. All of their explorating has caused them to grow too hungry to wait for a campfire. It's time to dig into the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I have packed. Oh - wait - Mark can't find the tent stakes. Time to call Becky to ask where they might be.
Friday, 6:10 p.m. Becky tells me that Ryan had put them in the outside pocket of the tent bag. We rechecked the pocket, and it is empty. Mark will have to get creative. He's hunting for small branches now to pound into the ground.

We have visitors! Mark's Aunt Sue, Aunt Marianne and Uncle Jim just trekked back to our campsite. They are staying at the same campground in their RV's, and have come to welcome us. I'm sure they're impressed by Mark's wooden stakes; it matches the primitive atmosphere of our campsite. I think we'll all take a walk to check out the rest of the campground and to visit Aunt Sue's RV.
Friday, 7:45 p.m. After a good visit at Aunt Sue's, and a trip to the park playground, we are back to our site. It's time to start our campfire!
Friday, 10:00 p.m. We're off to the tent to get the kids to bed. They loved the s'mores, Abby especially loved to roast marshmallows. We sang a few songs, and enjoyed the campfire smell. They kids are dirty, and loving every second of it. Once the kids are asleep, Mark and I will sit around the fire a bit more. Ahhh... beautiful nature.
Saturday, 7:20 a.m. There is rustling in our tent... little children stirring from their sleep. The sound of birds and other campers fills the air. It's time to start our day! But boy, is it chilly. It was supposed to go below 50 degrees last night, and it sure feels like it did.
Saturday, 11:00 a.m. After a fun-filled

morning exploring, gathering pinecones and playing in the dirt, we're off to our next adventure - Mark's extended family reunion. It's just a short walk to the picnic area where family is already starting to gather. It should be fun! I hope we don't smell too much...
Saturday, 1:45 p.m. The reunion has been a lot of fun, with a lot of good food. Abby and Ethan have been running around all over, but Ethan is definitely slowing down. It's time to try a nap - I will take him to the tent while Mark and Abby enjoy the reunion.
Saturday, 6:00 p.m. We've left the picnic in order to scrounge up some dinner. We've had hotdogs for lunch, and it doesn't sound very appealing right now. So we'll try some canned ravioli with green beans and grapes. It's not the most deluxe camping meal, but it is simple, which is what this weekend is about.
Saturday, 9:00 p.m. After dinner, we headed

back to Aunt Sue's RV. There were lots of people there from the picnic, and there was a lot of food. The kids roasted hotdogs over the campfire, while I opted for a cup of coffee. We visited while the kids played with sandtoys, and then walked back to our campsite and started our own campfire. Tonight's treat was cinnamon sugar sprinkled on bread cooked over the fire. Pretty yummy! We're putting the kids to bed now --- Abby is running on fumes! Then we'll enjoy some more adult time by the fire. What a vacation this has been!
Sunday, 8:15 a.m. The kids are waking up now. We haven't slept until 8:15 ... um... ever? This fresh air and fun is sure doing us all a lot of good. I haven't felt this relaxed in a long while. And I am so happy to see the kids having so much fun.
Sunday, 11:00 a.m. We've packed the van, and are ready to head home from our terrific vacation. Next stop, a big breakfast at a restaurant on our way home! And this week we will definitely have to look for a sale on tents - we're doing this again for sure!!
I'm so relieved that your first camping trip was a whole different experience than our first. Some families are meant for the outdoors....I'm jealous that ours isn't one of them.
It makes me smile to see you had as much fun camping as we did with the kids! I love all the pictures and the "diary" of events. Hope you find a good tent:>
Sounds like you guys had an AWESOME weekend...I cant wait to see the scrapbook pages!
Hi Trista!
We had our first camping experience in July and our kids LOVED it too. We only stayed one night, but it was great. There wasn't one second of whining or bad behavior at the campsite. They were having too much fun! We'll definitely be doing it again too!
I am so glad you came to visit our campsite. The entire family was having a great time and I loved seeing the kids so excited about everything. You are blessed with a great family and we are blessed to have you in ours. Love you, Aunt Sue
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