Does anyone need a size 3T shirt sporting a scantily-clad Esmeralda from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Warning - it may come to you unwashed and wet from one little girl's tears!
This particular shirt has been deemed the "princess shirt" and has been worn all-day, every day for the last week. It's starting to get a little dingy, quite frankly. The only time Abby has parted with the beloved shirt is for her bath, but before her hair can dry she is looking for the shirt (which I have quickly hidden in the bottom of the laundry pile). I personally find the shirt to be pretty ugly, so I cringe to bring her out in public with it (what will the other mothers think? hahaha!).
But, I guess the situation could be worse - she could be attached to a pair of underwear!
The chick on the shirt is ccantily clad???
She looks to be 2 inches of fabric short of a burka.
Hey, I remember when Rob always wanted to wear his "super elf" shirt! (ask Mark, he'll probably remember) ...if it makes her happy, why not? You are right, it could be much worse, and maybe this is an excuse to buy a new pretty princess outfit for her! (Shopping is always fun!) And I think Steve is right...she doesn't look scantily clad to me...it could be much worse. :)
Perhaps she's not scantily clad... her bosom and pose look like something off a romance novel cover, that's all.
Romance novel cover, definitely.
There's not a Fabio t-shirt somewhere in the closets, is there?
It's not to late to petition party goers to get her a prettier princess t-shirt - perhaps one that looks like her rence...
Good luck! I wish Emma would get attached to a shirt so that she would actually get dressed! :)
mum I willtake her dirty panties I love the smell of toddlercunt
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