I'm hoping to use this blog as a way to write down the things I've learned, as well as to provide periodic updates on our family. Today is the first of those updates.

Abby is 2 years old now (25 months), and such a funny girl. She is talking better and better each day. She is very stable in her walking and climbing now. She likes to sing along with music, and uses motions with songs. Her favorite music is from "The Wiggles," and she likes their TV show. On a daily basis, she asks to see "The Giggles on VC" (The Wiggles on TV). She is very concerned with equality, making sure that she and Ethan have the same things. She likes to run the show where he's concerned, telling him "your turn" and "my turn" while they play. Her favorite food is ice cream ("i- keem"), which she often mistakenly calls cake. She loves to play "wake up Daddy" by having Mark pretend he's asleep and then yell loudly "WAKE UP DADDY!!!" It cracks her up time and time again. I just cut her hair in this cute toddler haircut.

Ethan is 1 year old (16 months). He is such a smart boy! He says lots of words, and is very interested in learning more (he will watch your mouth while you say a word and then try to repeat it). His favorite word remains "baby," as he is the ultimate Baby-Spotter (he can spot a baby from 100 yards away). He has a talent for things musical. He loves to play music (drums, whistle, sing), and really likes dancing. He too loves the Wiggles. He has been amazing us lately with an interest in potty training (Abby couldn't care less). He has actually used the potty successfully 3 times, and asks to use it at least once a day. He covers his ears when he is playing peekaboo, which is so adorable. He loves his Mama tons, but his inner circle is definitely growing.

Today, we had a nice visit with Great Great Uncle Jay from California (Trista's Dad's Uncle). He is 78 years old, and still going strong! We were glad to see him. Abby had a fun time playing with him at dinner, and even Ethan was showing Uncle Jay some of his fancy dance moves. My parents were also there to share in the evening. Fun!
That's all for now! Thanks for reading!
1 comment:
I am so excited that you have a blog! I love it!!! I can't wait to see you all and give big huge hugs!!!
Love you!
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