Christmas with Abby's Birth Family: We traveled the day after Christmas to see Abby's birthmom M. and her family. It was a great visit. We learn new things about each other the more we see each other face-to-face. It was a very relaxed time, just spent enjoying each other and marveling over Abby (who had changed quite a bit since this summer when we saw them last). Abby has a lot of M.'s personality. M. is very independent, and doesn't want the help or input of anyone. Who does that sound like? I noticed that M. is particular about the way things look (she was constantly straightening items around the house). Similarly, Abby used to stack blocks with the colored side facing up, and would actually take a tower down to fix it if a block was mis-laid. And M. has told us that if she is physically hurt, she has always avoided people (even her Mom), not wanting anyone to touch her or come near her. Abby does this exact same thing. I think it is so great to see similarities! M. is a wonderful person, with an incredibly tender heart toward kids and animals. So far, it looks like Abby has similar gifts. Cutest Moments: Abby was absolutely infatuated with M.'s cat. And the cat was the most mellow, gentle cat you could have. Abby spent a lot of the afternoon holding the cat in her lap or carrying it around (so precious!)

Christmas with Trista's Fam: We celebrated Christmas Eve with my parents, and the day before with my sister Becky's family. We also spent Christmas Day afternoon at Becky's house, which included her husband Eric's parents. Our family gatherings are always fun, with lots of activity and games when my sister Becky's family is there. We can get loud and crazy! When we celebrate with my parents, we share a more quiet evening, but equally special. Funniest Moment: Grampa set out to read a Christmas book to Abby and Ethan (a tradition now into its second year). Ethan reluctantly sat on Grampa's lap, but Abby wasn't having any part of it. Soon, Ethan wouldn't sit there without Mommy. Then, Ethan left and Grampa read to me. I had to leave to chase kids and Grampa read to no one. Finally, Mark felt sorry for poor old Grampa and listened to the story himself. In this picture, Mark with a goofy inside-out ball on his head (one of his gifts from my parents). What a goofball!

Christmas with Mark's Fam: We weren't able to get together with Mark's siblings at Christmas this year, so we had celebrated in November with everyone. We were able to share Christmas morning with Mark's parents (after our own Christmas celebration). It was great fun, such a relaxed morning, playing with toys and eating brunch. Most Priceless Moment: Grandpa and Grandma playing ring-around-the-rosy with two toddlers. All fall down!

1 comment:
Those are such cute pictures! We sure do miss you!!!
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